Março 14, 2016

New Corporate Image
Share Capital Increase
Fevereiro 10, 2010
Tâmega, SGPS para 53 504 369€
Fevereiro 10, 2007
FINERTEC as new Shareholder
Tâmega Group
Fevereiro 10, 2004
Tâmega Group starts its operations and controlling interests in the company held by Construtora do Tâmega, S.G.P.S., S.A.
Share Capital Increase
Fevereiro 10, 2001
Share capital increase from EUR 20,000,000 to EUR 47,250,000.
Fevereiro 10, 1999

Centralization in Bucelas, while keeping its offices in Amarante. Premises where services have been centralized since 1999. Located in Cabeço da Rosa – Bucelas. The architectural ensemble consists of 10 different buildings.
Fevereiro 10, 1990

Start of the construction phase in the Archipelago of Madeira
Fevereiro 10, 1987

Rebranding of the company. New corporate image
Crestuma Dam
Fevereiro 10, 1978

Contract for the construction of Crestuma Dam
Fevereiro 10, 1976

Start of operations
Expansion – Initially in Angola
Fevereiro 10, 1950

Followed by: Mozambique Cape Verde Spain Jordan Saudi Arabia Senegal Mauritania
Março 14, 1946

Construtora do Tâmega starts its operations on 10 January 1946, with offices in Amarante, district of Oporto.
First Project
Fevereiro 10, 1946

First construction project commissioned to Construtora do Tâmega –4th Section on the E.N. 8, between Valado and Alcobaça, 1946 / 1947
First Equipment
Fevereiro 10, 1946

One of the first equipment acquired by the company.
Fevereiro 10, 1946
